Now that you are going to rest, I hope you are watching over those who needed you, you're family ..! I hope with all my heart that justice is served. His story his voice will never be unfinished. My heart is so broken and I have cried so much reading this story. We are sure Drayke was a great kid with an enormous heart. Lots of love, Ashley. Your boy could easily pass for one of my boys. To the family, I wish you strength and clarity as you recover from this tragic event. Eu tambm sou pai e meu filho sofreu bullying por quase um ano. Way too young to end his own life. I can only tell you that my heart hurts, a lot. what you are doing now by telling others about bullying and that we should be kind is so so amazing and is going to help so much people I'm sure! Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 1:00 PM at JW Turlington School Auditorium. Muchas fuerzas!! I am trully sorry for what you've been through and for the situation you are living right now, family. I can't imagine the size of the pain your heart feels, but I pray to God to make you strong so that life is not so sad to live. Rest In Peace Drayke, I'm sorry you had to go through that at such a young age, we will remember you. My heart breaks for you and your family and I know it breaks for everyone around the world! I'm sorry your beautiful soul was weakened by these awful people. AA vos mam, a vos pap, a ustedes hermanas y dems familia les envo desde aqu toda mi fortaleza y quiero hacerles saber que la partida de Drayke conmovi a nivel Nacional y el mensaje contra el bulling lleg y fue dispersado por muchos y en el mejor momento ya que, en Argentina, las clases estn prontas a comenzar. Nothing anyone says can ever take your pain away, I'll be praying for your family's healing. My prayers go out to each and every one of you. Es horrrible ver como todavia existe gente con maldad en su corazn que tortura a gente inocente. Los nios de deben morir! I am so sorry. ** He had hope in his eyes. I have no words, i also have a little son he is everything for me and a stepdaughter of age 12 and just to imagine what you are going trough makes me cry. Querido ngel vuela alto espero que encuentres La Paz qu tanto mereces.. Perdn por este mundo cruel donde vemos miles de injusticias y nadie hace nada.. Espero que todos tengamos ms empata y respeto por el otro y sobretodo amor por qu el amor nos salva.. Mis condolencias a toda tu familia, que descanses en Paz no dejo de estar triste y mirar una y mil veces tus fotos.. Fly high with the angels Dryake little guy, you so deserve to rest I peace. and you wishing peace on the boy who bullied him is so so strong of you! ESTIMADA FAMILIA DEL PEQUEO CON OJOS Y MIRADA HERMOSA LAMENT PROFUNDAMENTE SU GRAN PRDIDAQUE EL DIOS DE TODO CONSUELO JEHOV LES CONCEDA LAS FUERZAS EN ESTOS MOMENTOS DE GRAN DOLOR._Mire el mensaje esperanzador que ofrece la Biblia *cuando muere un ser querido..* le cito de ella Hechos 24:15 " *Y tengo esperanza en Dios, esperanza que tambin tienen estos hombres, de que va haber resurreccin tanto de justos como de injustos"* resurreccin as llama la Biblia al devolverle la vida a los que duermen en la muerte *Piense por un momento que va en viaje por carretera all junto a usted le acompaan quienes aman tanto FLIA y amigos pero mientras ud va en ese viaje unos se qdan dormidos mientras q usted va contemplando el panorama , ambos van al mismo destino solo q unos van despiertos y otros dormidos.en nuestro viaje por la vida habr quines an estamos despiertos mientras que otros se han dormido ya pero ni siguiera la muerte puede impedirles llegar a su destino la vida eterna en un paraso terrenal!! 1-910-875-4136 |Contact Us | Directions | Send Flowers, Contact Us | Directions | Send Flowers, PAYMENT CENTER Click here to make a payment. Fly easy little Drayke and get your wings out again and from above take care of yours and continue your mission, here we will help you from anywhere in the world. Lo siento profundamente y los abrazo con el alma ,Drayke los va a acompaar desde el cielo porque es un ser de luz !! Hoy deseo que esa mam, ese pap y esas hermanas ,tengan la fuerza suficiente para poder seguir adelante. May he rest in love . Te envo un fuerte brazo. Hasta el cielo hermoso, nio guapo como te deca tu mami, has tocado el corazn de todo este mundo, tu luz nos seguir alumbrando a tod@s en especial a tu familia. Fuerza papitos que tambien los necesitan esas 2 nias hermosas. Thank you for sharing your story and raising awareness on bullying. I saw your post after one of my friends shared it on their Instagram and when I read it I was in tears. Retrieved from. Even if it's a bit foolish to say that I'm suffering because of it if I find it heartbreaking and depressing that such bad things happen to people. Radney Funeral Home - Mobile Shirley Ruth Ardion Doby, 79, was born August 12, 1942, in Mobile, Alabama to the late Neson Ardoin and Lucy Lee Kelley Blackerby. Que sienten, les envo mucha fuerza, amor y oraciones y me comprometo A educar a los mos de la mejor forma posible para que esto no vuelva a pasar nadie merece pasar por algo as. I can't imagine your heartache or the pain of your family! I am so so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. Now my son will enter first grade in a few days, where he scares me that he will go through this situation, but I always remind my son that he must respect, make himself respected and defend if he sees unfavorable situations. Los abrazo con el corazon y edpero que muy pronto encuentren paz, tranquilidad y sobre todo resignacion. It's terrible! Kindness and love will follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. Ava McAllister-Baldwin Hello, I have no words to imagine what you went through, I just want to say that I am so sorry for what happened to your son, I do not know you and I can feel your pain and the love that that boy had for everyone. In all of the pictures I've seen of Drayke he radiated so much calmness and nobleness with his smile. Fortaleza para su familia. that beautiful blue eyes didn't deserve that suffering. It needs to be heared! mandoun abrazo de condolencia he sentido esto como si fuera mo por qu Drake era un nio que se le notaba lo amoroso y lo especial que era, en este momento es un angelito que estar siempre con ustedes y los mirar desde cielo. I don't understand how that happened to Drayke. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. We are going to talk about the role of a bystander, the importance of speaking up and standing up. Please know you are being covered in prayers. Drayke is the star on his team, and everyone compares his talent to Michael Jordan. Love!!! No entiendo cmo nuestro amado Dios permiti que fueras t, menos entiendo a la(s) persona(s) que te hicieron sufrir. Dolor y tristezaque no est en el racionamiento de nadie no lo logro dimensionar . El cielo recibe a un nuevo ngel, el ngel ms lindo de todos. mucha fuerza querida Familia yo no tengo hijos per se lo q es sufrir acoso escolar Que ms podra haber deseado que ese angelito se haya podido levantar de esa cama y renacer junto a sus padres y hermanos, pero creo que ya lo hizo, en otra vida destina para el. I DONT HAVE WORDS TO EXPRESS MY BAD WORDS ABOUT PARENTS THAT ALLOW THEIR CHILDREN TO BULLYNG, SINCERELY I REALLY SORRY ABOUT YOUR LOST, I CANT EVEN IMAGINE YOUR PAIN. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. I hope I get to meet you up there one day. Perhaps this angel flew to his place of peace very soon, but he moved the world with his mission, and in America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania we met him and we will defend his purpose and that of his family. May god give strength to your family. Thank you for reminding that kindness does not cost a thing. No puedo entender cmo el tuvo que sufrir todo lo que sufri y ustedes tengan que pasar por esto hoy. abrazo calido, Mi respeto a sus padres y hermanas.- Solo el que pasa por tan triste episodio , sabe del dolor.-, Mi mas sentido psame para toda la familia, y quiera Dios que ya est junto a l.- El mundo debera orar por su alma.- Qu Jess renazca en los corazones de esta familia destruida.-, Hello! I sincerely hope I can help spread kindness, we need it so much. Your story will save so many other children and for that we all thank you. Cunto dolor Que la partida de este pequeo y el correr de la noticia llegue a todas las sociedades. un ngel que ha ganado el cielo sin duda alguna merece estar en un lugar mejor, que en este mundo inhumano. Hola bello nunca te conoc pero me conquistastes con tus bellos ojos azules llenos de nobleza, inocencia y un GUERRERO que nos dej a todo el mundo impactados. I'm so sorry. Rezo para que vuestro hermoso hijo tenga un feliz camino hacia el cielo. #doitfordrayke, se me arrug el corazn al ver esta notica, soy madre y da miedo pensar q nuestros hijos estn a salvo en la escuela, que aveces la crueldad de un nio llega al punto de daar la vida de otro, que Dios les d La Paz para este duro momento. Amen". It's not fair and won't ever be fair. I want to protect all of these sweet souls from any ill will. I am sending so much love and strength your way. I am so sorry for your loss. Es un dolor que traspasa frontera. I will keep your loving family in my prayers and wrap my three young boys in my arms even tighter from this day forward. this must stop no to bullying. Fly high little man! I am so sorry for you're loss , You're baby boy is now in a better place ,nothing but happiness now sweet baby boy , the angels now have you wrapped around their wings . I didn't have the pleasure of meeting you but my heart is broken for your loss, those beautiful blue eyes stole my heart, I will never forget you and I wish with all my heart that your family can find the strength to move on without you. My heart breaks for each of you x. Prayers go to the family. So so so sorry, just know that your son's story is wide and far. I don't know you all, but your story and heartache has touched me deep in my soul. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I am really sorry that you all had to go through this and my prayer is God will give you strenght and courage is such a difficult time. My name is Camila, I am 18 years old and I am truly sorry for the loss of your little one, only because of this shitty world that they cannot live in peace, where they think they are superior just to bother and do not see the damage they cause since they were little, I say it From experience, I'm sorry for everything and all my condolences to your family. Although I don't know Drayka personally, I have noticed how beautiful and happy the boy is. FUERZA Y MUCHA FE EN DIOS. My heart breaks for you as it did for my son 2.5 yes ago when he was just 16. Mientras que exista un recuerdo de ellos, vivirn por siempre en nuestros corazones. Orar por ese pequeo beb para que est con Dios lleno de todo el amor que en su escuela no pudo obtener. Totalmente conmovido por lo sucedido, un Fuerte Abrazo a toda la Familia !!! His sweet heart was full of kindness and love. Mis mas sinceras condolencias por su prdida. It's not that hard to be kind people! I hope you know how much you are loved. Soy madre tambin y no puedo llegar a imaginar como me sentira en su misma situacin,rezo porque nunca tenga que pasar por ello. I know he will always be with your family as a guardian angel. This world can be such a very cruel place. One momma to another that's our babies. His kindness will never be forgotten!! Thank you for sharing your baby boy with the world, I will spread his message and my children will always be taught kindness, I only hope my 4 year old son grows to be as sweet and caring as your son, they look alike too all blonde hair and blue eyes . Keep fighting, keep loving. They both experience bullying daily. I am so sorry that you and your family has to deal with such a tragedy. I wish you - and him - peace. greetings from Chile . A hug from a distance, from a very moved perfect stranger. As part of the "Funeral Rule", Doby Funeral Home will provide anyone who requests a General Price List (GPL) that includes but not limited to, the expenses of funeral service items such as transportation to the cemetery near or around Hoke county, and viewing or visitation services. Heaven just gained another angel, your family will know your watching over them with all the love you gave them in life. As I watched Drayke sink those two free throws a few weeks back to seal the game, I thought to myself, he's a giant among men. You were great parents and God and we all know it. Mis condolencias a esas hermosas hermanas y a tus papis, respeto absoluto. How brave as parents and family have wanted to share the painful story of their little Drayke. May time, support and love bring you, parents a bit of peace in your hearts. No services have been planned at this time. Drayke eyes of heaven, fly very high, there is no more evil, there is no more pain! He has more love than he could have ever received here. The city of Compton is with you. And cant be called parents. Even though I have never met you, the stories that your family and friends shared tell it all. he is a beautifull ngel now . I didn't know your son, but I love him. Stop bullying. My heart breaks for you all. Know that you are all loved and needed. 635 Best **The Baldwin Family request that all attendees wear mask for the funeral service that will be held at Cape Fear Conference B Headquarters. Mi ms sentido psame pasa la familia, sin duda un ngel los guiar en su camino para encontrar la paz. Your baby boy is absolutely beautiful. DEP, "I'm sorry this world could not keep you safe, may your journey home be a soft and peaceful one." When the breeze blows gently, remember their softness, when the sun shines brightly, remember their spirit, when the river bubbles slowly, remember their kindness. She is survived by : her children, Mike Frick (Pat) of Salisbury, NC and Susie Hardister (Brad) of Salisbury, NC; her grandchildren, Heather Jones (Keith), L. Nicole Hardister (Alex Williams) and Nathan Hardister; her great grandchildren, Justin Jones (Sarah), Brandon Jones (Celine), Connor Oddon and Avery Hardister; and her great great grandchildren, Hunter Jones, Easton Jones, Eli Jones and Ryder Jones. El siempre vivira en sus corazones, que dios les de mucha fortaleza para poder pasar esto. Que terrible desicion tomaste, imagino tu sufrimiento y la desesperacin que te llevo a terrible final. Eras una dulzura de persona y las personas buenas solo se merecen cosas buenas. I'm just so sorry that this little boy had to die before anyone knew about what he went through on this Earth. Que en paz descanses pequeito. Que Deus vos conforte e receba o anjinho Drayke. I have heard your story Drayke.