It is a very insightful review. In this practical book, readers will learn to use - The 5-step Switch on Your Brain Learning Program, to build memory and learn effectively - The Gift Profile, to discover the unique way they process information - Ah well just another lesson learned on this wonderful journey called life. We take all of this for granted in the first-world, so the impact of our thought life becomes artificially inflated. We need to actively put on the armor of God (Eph. It cant be both. Hey, if you want to confuse cognitive biases, magical thinking and ignorance for the leading of the Holy Spirit then go for it. . It is unnatural not to. Each communication contains a URL that participants use to gain access to the survey. ""Is it even Biblical to publicly speak against an anointed leader?, The answer is simple:1. Backed by up-to-date scientific research and biblical insight, Dr. Caroline Leaf empowers readers to take control of their thoughts in order to take control of their lives. And we all know how that story ended. And if she cant be trusted with the most basic of facts about herself, how can she be trusted with anything else? So no matter how much Dr Leaf may try to convince us that shes an expert cognitive neuroscientist, truth be told, she is not. So at the risk of sounding like a broken record its all in the book. I stopped reading at your exclamatory sentence denouncing that thoughts can control matter. Hold the toxic thought in front of you. Your brain simply captures what your mind dictates. Really Mr Pitt? Dr. Caroline Leaf is an American communication pathologist and audiologist. Of course, you did not say it. Pray: Jesus healed every disease and affliction; I believe he will heal me, too. This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, However, I would hope you would discuss it with Pastors _____ or _____, and I would like to hear from them. Our past, present and future is already done for us. If you are considering withdrawing from any medication, please do so under the guidance of a professional as withdrawal can be a dangerous process. If you want to decorate your pious judgement up with scripture, thats your call. Andi B. Neurocycle Institute Attendee. Dr Leaf even goes so far as to say that our thoughts can control physical matter! About six months ago, carolyn Leaf showed up at my church. Leaf, who should know better, is playing fast and loose with research and information. Each of the six factors represents a set of knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors related to self-regulation and control. Rather than getting caught up in whether we should go raw or vegan, gluten-free or paleo, Leaf shows readers that every individual is unique, has unique nutritional needs, and has the power . What Jesus was saying is that our thoughts create feelings, our feelings create actions or inactions, and those actions or inactions create outcomes or circumstances. Our God is Sovereign and healing is His prerogative by believing Prayer. 0 likes, 0 comments - EBOOKSTORETZ (@ebookstoretzbackup1) on Instagram: "Backed by up to date scientific research and biblical insight, Dr. Caroline Leaf empowers readers." EBOOKSTORETZ on Instagram: "Backed by up to date scientific research and biblical insight, Dr. Caroline Leaf empowers readers to take control of their thoughts in order to . I dont downplay that at all. Toxic thoughts are real things; they occupy mental real estate. We are co-creators of our destiny alongside God. You will protect my mind and my thoughts as I drift off to sleep. When the lies in my life get loud, I will listen for your voice instead. I might add, Dr Leafs insistence that shes a cognitive neuroscientist and an expert on mental health and nutrition is also quite insulting for real psychologists, neuroscientists and nutritionists whose opinions are ignored in favour of a self-titled expert whose only authority comes by popular demand, not training or experience. I dont know how much evidence will satisfy you, but I consider that my position is scientifically justified. Leaf'steamis not allowed publish theirresearch findings ahead of the peer reviewed journal article, here is some information on theircurrent research. You must protect people from the danger of wolves in sheeps clothing as the call of every pastor, and this is Gods directive, not mine. How to Have Joy in Your Golden Years Despite These 10 Life California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012 Sep 4;109(36):14681-6. Actually I noticed the same things he or she did and whilst reading the same posts he was referring to, I did sense that you were not being nice. Implementing the LMM through the NeurocycleTM app, the findings of Study 2 found that test-retest reliability for all six LMM subscales was strong and that construct validity existed with established anxiety, depression, and well-being measures. Data is analyzed by an independent research and analysis consulting firm, Elite Research, LLC ( Dr Leaf has flourished in a vacuum of accountability or put another way go tell the Church Elders so they can burn the witch at the stake. These toxic emotions can cause migraines, hypertension, strokes, cancer, skin problems, diabetes, infections, and allergies, just to name a few.. She has presented her unique Switch on Your Brain with the 5-Step Learning Process and the Metacognitive-Map learning tool to thousands of students and corporations worldwide. Father, Your Word has become a part of me. Leaf for a friend, but Ive been having a hard time finding any other scientific reviews of her teachings from experts in the fields she reportedly works in. I put my trust in you, and I know you will give me the sleep I need to be energized for the day tomorrow. I must say however that I am truly concerned that I got 3 of her books from a Christian bookshop in Melbourne after reading your take on her theology. Anyone who thinks on anything that many times during a period od 63 days will see a change in things. Do you presume that these apply to me? The app had a large amount of cliches.. KCM Broadcast Notes April 24-28 2023 - Jesus, the Commander In Chief. I am just wondering, if Dr Leafs teachings are wrong, what would you suggest to people who are suffering from mental illness that they should do? I already have a call in to the Scott / Carver crisis center because nothing else is open. As they got older, that same phrase also encompassed a new aspect about their thought life with the verse, Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts, (Proverbs 4:23 GNT). Who knows you may both find some God ordained middle-ground. There is no better time to introduce these strategies than now. But what are you offering instead? Your Word has become flesh; for You sent Your Word, Your Son and healed me. (Im hoping to shoot for a Phd in theoretical math, currently just 2nd year) I was really wondering why I couldnt find her book in a single academic database. I say this with all due respect. How is one supposed to know what is good if no critique is offered, if only one position is provided? Though in terms of critique from other scientists or medical doctors in neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, or mental health, there might be a few now, but nothing formal. Dr Leafs ministry may look like a complete success, but only until someone finally says, But, the Emperor has no clothes . We will pray for healing for everyone and believe in full faith all things are possible. Your email address will not be published. I am very grateful with Dr. Caroline Leaf for the opportunity that she gives mer. This post is a little longer than usual, but Ive divided it up for easier reading: 1. Luke 6:45. Actually, Dr Leaf is trained as a communication pathologist. Even though our brains have around 100 billion brain cells, individual cells can be seen with an electron microscope. Her main evidence comes from a poster presentation at a 1993 psychotronics conference titled, Local and nonlocal effects of coherent heart frequencies on conformational changes of DNA [11]. She isnt the only doctor exploring healing mindsets. Joyce Meyer for example teaches that positive affirmations change or impact reality, denying Gods sovereignty or giving us creating power equal to God?? Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist with a PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Beyond that, there really isnt a lot that Dr Leaf says thats truly beneficial, and its suffocated by the weight of mistruth that remains in her message. While the counter arguments offered here are well researched and does a good job of illuminating the losely connected hypothesis in Leafs complete theory, it is unfair to say that she has no point or no purpose with her message because she isnt an ordained minister or qualified on paper neuroscientist. Whats interesting is how Dr Leaf only ever uses the first half of this verse. Notice the image below from Dr. Leafs video. Much of this work is highlighted in her books and we are currently in development of a historical timeline outlining these applied projects and their results to showcase Dr. Leafs historical research on the website. Thank you so much for your time, and I hope youre staying well! I couldnt shake the feeling so I wondered if anyone else noticed, which is how I stumbled upon your blog. Emerging infectious diseases 2013 Aug;19(8):1192-7. I know people personally with mental illness, and scitsophrenia. Its odd to me I have had many people recommend her works to me as I am very much into mindset, mental health, and following Gods word for wisdom. Dr Leaf also researched a narrow band of educational psychology as part of her PhD, and she also worked in a number of schools and for educational boards in South Africa. When we focus on the negative, chemicals are released in our brains causing damage like loss of sleep, physical illness, or the inability to perform your job appropriately. If you support Dr Leafs ministry of false hope, then thats your call. I would just like to comment on you wondering why church leaders do not call her out. The film reveals our physical health (mental, emotional, and spiritual health included) isnt only left to chance of our DNA and chromosomes. Dr Leaf hasnt performed any university based research since her PhD was published in 1997. Thanks for your comment. I copied the link to your TEDx commentary and sent an email to her producer as there was no where else to put it. The 1st 21 days were effective even thought some things were questionable. I have discussed quantum physics and the role of thoughts in my book rebutting Dr Leafs greatest fallacies, which you can read here: Next, ask yourself questions about these thoughts: how and why they make you feel the way they do. Her husband, Mr Mac Leaf, dismissed my concerns out of hand, which only steeled me to take further action. Ive had just as many people comment that my tone has been very respectful. To learn more about Dr. Not that Dr Leaf has changed her tune. In this reductionist view, depression is a chemical imbalance problem of a machinelike brain; therefore, the treatment is to add in the missing chemicals. I have given you some great links to consider, and put a lot of time into it yesterday for your benefit. Dr Leafs use of this scripture is misleading. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization,, 2013. Leaf herself, Hi Lori, thanks for your comment and encouragement . Our success lies in our mind. Switch On Your Brain, LLC and the author make no representations or warranties that any individual will achieve a particular result. If our mind-brain connection isn't right, nothing else will go right.The Think, Learn, Succeed Curriculum Kit has 9 . No matter how I struggle or what issues I am working through, you are still perfecting me day by day. This view is biblically and scientifically incorrect. [1: p31-32] (Emphasis added). Ive been trying to do some research about Dr. So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Im certainly no expert but the jurys still out for me. Question everything, hold on to the good. Since the early 1980s she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health, and the formation of memory. Its certainly a unique window into the human psyche that one doesnt tend to see in other parts of life, so in some ways its a privilege to be sledged as I am from time to time. To get as close to it as possible is the main task of humanity. Data collection happens within the app every 21 days for the 20 LMM items and the 8 pro-mindfulness factors as well as a web-based survey (. ) Im going to maintain my stand against Dr Leaf anyway. I always was puzzled on how the toxic thought just got weaker and weaker. Watch it now. . The Jesus Caroline Leaf and Dr. Strydom is proclaiming is NOT the Jesus of the Bible. About Christ and our need for him Dr Caroline Leaf has spoken locally several times. April 5, 2023. Caroline Leaf, Switch On Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health 16 likes Like "We are not victims of our biology. Rather, the authors say, you need to find a . That Dr Leaf also regularly misquotes her sources and relies on unpublished opinion from pseudoscientists and new-age practitioners also brings her reputation as an expert scientist into disrepute. Article Images Copyright , 7 Biblical Affirmations to Heal Your Thoughts, 8 Reasons for Church Hurt and How to Heal From It: Part 2, 7 Strategies for Living a Successful Life. They believe that it is the chemicals and neurons that create the mind and that relationships between your thoughts and what you do can just be ignored. Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist with a PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology . 2. There are many YouTube videos featuring Dr. Im more than comfortable that thoughts dont control matter in any way, and that youre welcome to hold onto whatever opinion you want to. God has given us everything, and we have to step into our perfect selves to succeed in this area. Im offering the truth. 7. There is simply too much sensitive material Im not comfortable covering in an email. You are very much aware of that. Go have a good hot cup of tea with Dr Leaf and bury the hatchet which you keep flaying around. She must have her facts straight if she is preaching at some of the biggest churches on the planet, right? - Matthew 13:23. Jesus entered the world to destroy the works of the enemy. Believers Voice of Victory Video Broadcast for Friday 4/21/2023. Switch On Your Brain with the 5-Step Learning Process,, The dimensias, cancers, cardial vascular track back to genetic mutations that track back to incorrect signals. Dr. Im providing the information that shows that Dr Leafs teaching is unscientific and unreliable so that if people are willing to listen, they will avoid wasting their time, energy and money on unproven claims and false hope. Leaf's experience, also see her LinkedIn page. I disagree with your interpretation of 2 Timothy 1:7, but Im not going to go around in circles restating what Ive already said. Halfway through I looked at my friend and said, Im sorry, but I have to leave. Thats certainly a lot more than most, and Im always grateful for those that do. Criticism is fault finding on a personal level, the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes. Attacking Dr Leafs personal beliefs or intentions would be criticism. I will be healthy in order to shine a light wherever you send me, at home or in the workplace. 9. May God continue to bless you with good things as you continue your work and may He continue to strengthen you in the knowledge of who you are in Him (and the humour in your responses to haters) regardless of all the vitriol sent your way. [1] Leaf, Uys, and Louw. I have read many of the comments and responses contained herein and it just seems to me that Im watching episodes of and in the red corner are the Pharisees and Sadducees V in the blue corner the Church and the Apostles. B.) But scripture is clear; its ok to ask questions, to look at both sides of a discussion, to critique and to be critiqued. It appears the root issue keeps coming back to Is this the church for me? Steve, if you are still having doubts 4 years into it then maybe the answer is clear. She has helped hundreds of thousands of students and adults learn how to use their mind to detox and grow their brain to succeed in every area of their lives, including school, university, and the workplace. Its a synthesis of audiology and speech pathology. While there are many kinds of therapies and treatments designed to support educators, mindfulness has shown specific efficacy for teachers, students, and educational settings due to its ease of implementation and near immediate positive impacts. She is regularly invited to speak at some of the worlds largest churches. For example, Dr Leaf quoted a source on genetics that was over thirty years old, from a time when genetic studies were still in the dark ages. Im willing to engage in robust discussion especially when people are overtly hostile, and allow me to pre-emptively state that youre welcome to your opinion on that too. This is DECEPTION! ISBN-10. Im a born again Christian and I consulted with the Holy Spirit as she advised you to do. Pray: My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and I thank you Father, that spirit your spirit wells in me. Any and all express or implied warranties, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed.