else if (document.all&&displaymode==0) It remains implausible to explain the known geographic distribution of mtDNA sequence variation by human migration that occurred only in the last ~6,500 years. These bishops pronounced the Arthurian romances heretical and blacklisted the writings of Merlin in 1546 at the Council of Trento in northern Italy. We look at this as an energy exchange for our Services. The last Pendragon was Cadwaladr of Gwynedd, who died in A.D. 664. Nor did its Germanic traditions offer any code of civil law required of urbanised society, such as Justinian I caused to be assembled and promulgated in the Byzantine Empire. function gone(){ Sarah and Joseph became adults in France, married, and had children. View Site. All articles are shared on Facebook and Twitter. But, in the course of this, the crucial essence of the old wisdom was lost, and this gave rise to dynasties that were not of the true kingly race. Merovingian clan like Clovis and the Dagoberts who connect into the The ethos of the Dragon Culture encourages an intelligent, but above all a ruthlessly honest appreciation of the matters presented. at the age of 33. The Bible is no different in its biased treatment of Mary Magdalene and its protectionism of a carefully scripted but incomplete account of Jesus and his life. The denarius (or denier) appeared later, in the name of Childeric II and various non-royals around 673675. Franks SOME of its offshoots. Charles de Gaulle is on record as stating his opinion that "For me, the history of France begins with Clovis, elected as king of France by the tribe of the Franks, who gave their name to France. She would later be known as Sarah-Damaris Bat Yeshuah Princess of West-Francs. A limited number of contemporary sources describe the history of the Merovingian Franks, but those that survive cover the entire period from Clovis's succession to Childeric's deposition. Grail and a favorite of Nexus Magazine and its owner, Duncan However, we do ask that you pay it forward in exchange, by Submitting a Testimonial or by sharing our services with others. Society, Burkes Peerage, and a genealogist in the United (meaning "bridge or passage of the Moon Goddess") on August It involves a gourd with blood in it. considered to be the greatest pharaoh of all. got your result, Merovingian Family Tree You Should Check It, Mary Ann Cotton Family Tree Check All Members List, Arnold Schwarzenegger Family Tree With Complete Detail. Merovingian Script. The Merovingian dynasty (/mrvndin/ MERR--VIN-jee-n) was the ruling family of the Franks from the middle of the 5th century until 751. The Merovingians were Goddess Diana function highlight(x){ James was killed in 1513 at the Battle of Flodden, which is in Northumberland. 1st Thank you for visiting merovingian family tree page. genealogy is the most up to date in their research so far. In its original form, 'kinship' was 'Kainship'. The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court was based upon an ancient bloodline tradition stemming from ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Scythian lineages. The Sumerians referred to this insignia as the Gra-al From biblical history, we know it better as the 'Mark of Cain'." The kings appointed magnates to be comites (counts), charging them with defense, administration, and the judgment of disputes. sponsors of The "Serpent Seed" Lineage is the "Dragon Bloodlines" through the "Elven Races," from the original Annunaki. Having presumptuously and erroneously assumed to have inherited the bloodline legacy in 1397, he drew up a pact with twenty-three royals and nobles who swore to observe true and pure fraternity within the Societas Draconis, a style subsequently misidentified as the Ordo Draconis (Hungarian: Sarkany Rend). The dynasty was restored again in 743, but in 751 Charles's son, Pepin the Short, deposed the last king, Childeric III, and had himself crowned, inaugurating the Carolingian dynasty. Her first husband (of 3) was the French dauphin, heir to the throne of France. employed Nostradamus and Christopher Columbus. The blood is from King Louis XVI. If you Enjoy the work of the different Authors that is Posted, The Hidden Secrets of the Ancient "Royal Dragon" Bloodlines. [16], Yitzhak Hen stated that it seems certain that the Gallo-Roman population was far greater than the Frankish population in Merovingian Gaul, especially in regions south of the Seine, with most of the Frankish settlements being located along the Lower and Middle Rhine. "Everything that was magic to the ears, and all that was fresh air to the subjugated, became denounced as sinister and occult.". Therefore, I used hundreds of independent sources and documents to reconstruct and corroborate the life, marriage, parenthood, and genealogy of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, as well as the genealogy of their descendants. This is a follow up to my original genealogy of Miles Mathis. And the first King of the Messianic Dragon succession was the biblical 'C(Kain)', head of the Sumerian House of Kish. This is the first book in a series of works covering the history of the Elven Tribes and the Dragon Tradition. ancestors had created. The great enlightenment of the Grail Code of service was condemned in a series of brutal Inquisitions from 1203, and anything remotely connected with the female Draconian ethic was justifiably dubbed Witchcraft. The Merovingians This bloodline and its offshoots includes a long line of pharaohs in ancient Egypt, including Rameses II (1295-1228 BC), who is considered to be the greatest pharaoh of all. Grimoald was arrested and executed, but his son ruled until 662, when the Merovingian dynasty was restored. "The Merovingian kings were noted sorcerers in the manner of the Samaritan Magic" - 29:171 I vaguely recall that an ancestor of mine who shipped over on the Mayflower . Chronologically speaking, it is not possible to sequentially arrange the events in the life of Jesus in any definitive way by a reliance on the Bible alone, as none of the New Testament's Gospels follows an overtly chronological pattern over his lifetime. https://twitter.com/donaldvwatkins, The Royal Bloodline: The Descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, IMAGE: Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The Celtic PenDragons were not father to son successors in a particular descent, but were individually elected from reigning family branches, by a Druidic council of elders, to be the overall Kings of Kings. if (!window.win2||win2.closed) Jesus often kissed Mary Magdalene on the lips, much to the consternation of Peter and other disciples. (That also means that this service is free to those who wish for the healing and can not afford to pay anything. Jesus' bloodline includes King Solomon and King David. and hagiography. the imagination. This family lineage is a magical one, or at the very least they were endowed with many special abilities. Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph, had to flee Bethlehem for Egypt shortly after Jesus' birth to prevent Herod the Great from killing him. The symbol of the Rosi Crucis had identified the Grail succession from beyond 3000 BC, and its graphic representation was a red cross within a circle. Its ultimate overlords were the Popes, and outside the preserved Celtic domains they appointed kings not by any right of heritage, but to suit the political motives of the bishops and the fast growing Roman Church. } Although the Courts ancient origins were steeped in pre Christian lore, Pope Eugene IV was obliged to approve his Emperors non Catholic establishment, for the nature of the Dragon, even if you fake it, is such that its kingly tradition surmounts the mundane constraints of denominational dispute. Merovingian Noble. ", ELVEN TRUE KINGSHIP "A Government for the people by the people". Clerical men such as Gregory and Sulpitius the Pious were letter-writers, though relatively few letters survive. In Britain, various branches of the Sinclair, Stuart, and Devonshire families are descendants of the Royal Bloodline. Name. THE 13TH ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE . There were, of course, those staunch upholders of the Churchs articles of dogma who openly opposed the pre papal concept of Grail kingship. This article concludes a three-part series of investigative articles that I began with "Mary Magdalene: Was She Jesus' Wife?," published on November 10, 2019, and "The Royal Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene," published on January 3, 2020. - 29:183, "The Celtic Pendragons were not father-to-son successors in a particular descent, but were chosen from various reigning dragon families and individually elected by a druidic council of elders to be the King of Kings. After Pepin's long rule, his son Charles Martel assumed power, fighting against nobles and his own stepmother. Proudly created with. Join us on our FB Page https://www.facebook.com/ULight1123/, View Our Blog Here: https://universallighthous.wixsite.com/loveandlight/, Visit our Store Here: https://universallighthous.wixsite.com/uldesigns, Visit our Radio Station Here for 24/7 High Vibrations, https://universallighthous.wixsite.com/loveandlight/radio, Connect with us on Twitter: Universal Lighthouse: https://twitter.com/ULight1123, Follow us on Youtube: Universal Lighthouse, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXbFVy5RD9exUZpeqOHEqEw, Goddess Heart~ https://www.facebook.com/GoddessHeartteachings, Twin Flame ~ Ancient Secrets~ https://www.facebook.com/Twin-Flames-Ancient-Secrets-321594358686155, Cosmic Light Tribe~ https://www.facebook.com/groups/437103100063433/, Unconditional Unity~ https://www.facebook.com/groups/UnconditionalUnity, Universal Lighthouse Cosmic Healing (CLOSED AT THE MOMENT). These concessions saw the very considerable power of the king parcelled out and retained by leading comites and duces (counts and dukes). As the generations passed, the ideal of dynastic kingship spread through the Mediterranean lands into the Balkans, the Black Sea regions and Europe. After Clovis's death, his kingdom was partitioned among his four sons. Rene d'Anjou, Duke of Lorraine, and the House of Lorraine which Yet, there is an abundance of credible historical information beyond the Bible that attests to the marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene and their parenthood. Families with the prefix "of" and the title in brackets indicate the rulers of a major, sovereign or semi-sovereign state. Here is a list of noble families who can trace their ancestry back to Charlemagne (747-814), and by this also to Charles Martel (686-741), Pepin of Herstal (635-714), Pepin of Landen (580-640), Clovis I (466-511), Childeric I (437-481), Merowig (411-458), and some older, mythical ancestors like Pharamond (370-430), Sunno (358-401 ? Mitochondria is a living sentient and separate life form from ourselves. We hope that this may expose the establishments historical fabrications and deceptions throughout history which have harmed society immeasurably. "In pictorial representation, the Messianic Dragon was, in essence, a large-jawed serpent with four legs, very much like a crocodile or a monitor. Along with Sigismund and the twenty-three nobles, Sigismunds second wife, Barbara Cille (daughter of the Austrian Duke Hermann of Styria), was joint sovereign. This system developed in time into feudalism, and expectations of royal self-sufficiency lasted until the Hundred Years' War. the "Herod" of the Jesus stories, and continues to the There are historians that say that the Scythians belonged to the ten lost tribes of Israel. and the Stuart Dynasty, including King James Ist From there, the Bloodline continued through the Carolingians (who deposed the Merovingian dynasty from its throne) to William the Conqueror of England, and from there to Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, and other parts of the world. This bloodline also includes: the Habsburgs, the most powerful family in Europe under the Holy Peerage, This was not the first time the Royal Bloodline had to flee Israel. Therefore, they Abuse their powers, by harming those they were meant to protect. Monasteries and episcopal seats were shrewdly awarded to elites who supported the dynasty. The NLT Study Bible, Second Edition, Tyndale House Publishers (2008), corroborates this fact with biblical texts and historically accurate timelines. The founding document of the Court confirmed that members might wear the insignia of a Dragon incurved into a circle, with a red cross, the original emblem of the Rosi Crucis, which had identified the Grail succession from before 3000 BC. and Louis Ist, II, VI, VII, VIII, VIIII, XIII, IX, XV, The Along with Sigismund and the twenty-three nobles, Sigismunds second wife, Barbara Cille (daughter of the Austrian Duke Hermann of Styria), was joint sovereign. Clovis's four sons divided the kingdom among themselves and it remained dividedwith the exception of four short periods (558561, 613623, 629634, 673675)down to 679. document.forms[x].elements[0].focus() win2=window.open(selectedurl) Everything that was magic to the ears, and all that was fresh air to the subjugated, became denounced as sinister and occult. founded the city we call Paris and on one of their former sites of "One of the interesting items from the archives of the Dragon Court was the origin of the word 'kingship'. Actual power was increasingly in the hands of the mayor of the palace, the highest-ranking official under the king. [citation needed]. region of Greece, Persia, Syria, Phoenicia, Egypt, Babylon, the Merovingian law was not universal law equally applicable to all; it was applied to each man according to his origin: Ripuarian Franks were subject to their own Lex Ripuaria, codified at a late date,[12] while the so-called Lex Salica (Salic Law) of the Salian clans, first tentatively codified in 511[13] was invoked under medieval exigencies as late as the Valois era. and Troy, and which, today, rule the world. As we have seen, the Courts dubious re-emergence was instigated by Sigismund von Luxembourg, King of Hungary. genealogical sources include the New England Historical Genealogy Wild stuff! The Society had no patron saint, it had no chapel or chapter house and observed no feast or holy days. States, who has been studying and charting the bloodlines of the The Merovingians are featured in the book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (1982) where they are depicted as descendants of Jesus, inspired by the "Priory of Sion" story developed by Pierre Plantard in the 1960s. [1] They first appear as "Kings of the Franks" in the Roman army of northern Gaul. However, the opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily the beliefs of Universal Lighthouse. "[20] The word "Merovingian" is used as an adjective at least five times in Swann's Way. Exiguus failed to take into account the fact that Jesus was born before Herod the Great died in 4 BC. Three key dates in Jesus' life have not been established with certainty. In those far off times, the priests and temples were not associated with religion as were their later successors in other lands, but rather more with the duties of preserving and teaching the old wisdom. The Druidic Dragon King or Pendragon, also called the King of Kings, was chosen by a Council of Elders to rule over all the kingdoms. Later, conflicts were intensified by the personal feud around Brunhilda. The decisive element, for me, is that Clovis was the first king to have been baptized a Christian. The Piso Laurence Gardner (Bloodline of the Holy Related surnames: MEROVING (2). Their daughter Mary was Mary Queen of Scots. if (displaymode==0) Jesus experienced marriage and produced offspring with Mary Magdalene. [9] Many kings came to the throne at a young age and died in the prime of life, weakening royal power further. The gold mines of Nubia made him rich beyond She attended the last supper. Universal Lighthouse offers our own Writings Plus, other information that is found throughout the Internet, We do try and find the original source for this information. Jesus was a lineal descendant of a royal bloodline that spanned 42 generations and included King Solomon and King David. The solidus and triens were minted in Francia between 534 and 679. The name derives from Salian King Merovech, whom many legends surround. Rabbis in Jesus' day did not have women disciples, so traveling with Jesus would have been highly unusual for a single woman. The wedding occurred before Jesus began his ministry and public display of miracles at "about thirty years old." Maps of Neolithic and Bronze Age cultures, European cities founding over 3,000 years ago, 5,000 years of steppe migrations into Europe, Haplogroups of Bronze Age Proto-Indo-Europeans, Interesting facts about the ancient Celts, Interesting facts about the ancient Romans, Who were the best and worst Roman emperors, Similarities between the Romans & East Asians, Who were the best and worst Kings of France, Influence of Golden Ages on national cultures, What were the longest lived empires in history, List of oldest European companies still in operation, first 20 generations of descendants of Charlemagne. King Ferdinand of Spain, were also sponsors of Columbus when he During the final century of Merovingian rule, the kings were increasingly pushed into a ceremonial role. It is not a reliable source of medieval spellings. Racism goes hand in hand with claims of aristocratic genealogy because genetics is always close to the heart of . They conquered most of Gaul, defeating the Visigoths (507) and the Burgundians (534), and also extended their rule into Raetia (537). Based upon other historical records beyond the Bible and correcting for Exiguus' error, it appears that Jesus' ministry began when he was about 32 to 34 years old. She also traveled with Jesus to Judea, where Jerusalem and Bethlehem are located. //Drop-down Document Viewer- Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com) Jesus' birth year is uncertain because Dionysius Exiguus, the Scythian monk who developed the "BC" for "Before Christ" and "AC" for "After Christ" system of dates in the fifth century, made a calculation error in establishing Jesus' birth year. It is our goal to raise the consciousness of humanity through knowledge, truth, and love. royal genes. These aristocratic Merovingian children married into almost all of the noble families of Europe during the 5th, 6th, and 7th centuries. A mutant mtDNA will drift to fixation in a human matriline in 15 generations. are related to England's Edward III, After Jesus' birth, Herod issued an order to kill all male children in Bethlehem two years old, or younger. Agilolfings The Agilolfings were a noble family from the Bavarian region of Germany. A Mystical Origin The Merovingian Dynasty got its name from Merowig or Merovech, a Salian Frank leader from 447 AD to 457 AD. One of the ways the Holy Grail authors make this association is by claiming Jesus (Yashua) is a Jew and then tracking a Jewish bloodline to the Merovingian kings. Further works, due to be published here shortly, will include archaeological and historical studies of the Derkesthai Culture from 10,000 BC onwards, further material from the Dragon Archives, an ongoing series of novels and a series of scientific papers. Sigismund never knighted anyone into the Society. There are many surnames which are part of this bloodline (Including the Smith family), however I can give one very prominent one, the Sinclair family. Most scholars believe Jesus' ministry lasted about three years. It was subsequently established more formally as a pharaonic institution by the twelfth dynasty Queen Sobekh Nefru (c.1785 BC). However, The "Reptillian" Alien Species is something totally different and has infiltrated the original Dragon Lineages. The frequent wars had weakened royal power, while the aristocracy had made great gains and procured enormous concessions from the kings in return for their support. The Pharaohs were anointed with crocodile fat, and thereby attained the fortitude of the Messeh (Thus Messiah -- Anointed One). The main divisions of the kingdom were Austrasia, Neustria, Burgundy and Aquitaine. Herod ruled as king of the Jews from 27 to 4 BC. Emperor of the West in the Holy Roman Empire; a stream of French elite families for 26 years. These include the House of Hapsburg-Lorraine Plantard, Luxembourg, Montpezat, Montesque, and various others. Plato and he by Socrates. This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. They The Merovingians play a prominent role in French historiography and national identity, although their importance was partly overshadowed by that of the Gauls during the Third Republic. THE 13TH ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE The name Merovingian derives from that of Merovech, of whom nothing is known except that he was the father of Childeric I, who ruled a tribe of Salian Franks from his capital . Alexander the Great (356-323BC), a tyrant who plundered that key advanced knowledge have always gone together. } Merovingians (Queen Elizabeth II and link to Carolingians) Reynolds Inner connected to Druid and Satan worship also McDonalds Vanderbilt Other family connections (click here) The 13 Real Illuminist Gray Masters are Italian and Roman Catholic cover Matteiano Flaminio Vaticano Dogali Solare Lateranense Minerveo Macuteo Sallustiano Quirinale Agonalis [15] The vitae of six late Merovingian saints that illustrate the political history of the era have been translated and edited by Paul Fouracre and Richard A. Gerberding, and presented with Liber Historiae Francorum, to provide some historical context. [17] The absence of Frankish literature sources suggests that the Frankish language was forgotten rather rapidly after the early stage of the dynasty.